I had a home blog for years, first at Blogger, then Wordpress. Then I reached a point where I just couldn’t do it and I closed my blog. Now I feel I “need” it again. Not need as in it’s some necessity of life, but I find an artistic outlet very helpful. A blog helps me to see my home through the eyes of others, thus helping me to make it more appealing to my family. It gives me an extra boost to tackle those household projects I’ve been trying to get to. And it reminds me to value beauty in my home.

Christians talk about calling or vocation, basically the idea that God has destined for them to fulfill a particular role. My calling right now is wife, mother, and homemaker. (I know this isn’t everyone’s calling, so don’t misunderstand. We all don’t fit into the same mold, and that’s a good thing.)

I weighed whether or not I have the time to take, upload, and edit pictures (to my limited ability), to write posts and manage comments. Blogging can take over one’s life, and I certainly don’t want to fritter my days away before a glowing screen, living through an “outlet” or vicariously through the artful lives of others. But ultimately, at this time, I think blogging will be a valuable tool in my quest to be a more creative homemaker.
The world doesn't need another homemaking blog, but I need the discipline of blogging!
The world doesn't need another homemaking blog, but I need the discipline of blogging!
I agree! Blogging is a wonderful motivator to get things done and it's nice when you get some feedback from other people.